Friday, December 2, 2011

Fund Raising Tips for Clubs

If you belong to a club, you are probably always seeking ways to raise money for your favorite causes.  This is a universal issue for many civic clubs.  Many years of observations about how clubs raise money and what seems to work or not work, have inspired the following list of tips that should help improve fund raising results and keep members motivated.

v  Pick a project/theme/cause
Ø  Choose something that relates to the club’s interests
Ø  Partner with an established agency/organization
Ø  Select an aspect that is under funded – don’t be just another “drop in the bucket”

v  Set a goal
Ø  Make it realistic
Ø  Make it monetary
Ø  Tie it to an accomplishment, e.g., provide breakfast for 200 children

v  Plan a diverse strategy with a timetable
Ø  Should meet needs and abilities of membership
Ø  E.g., one event, one sales item, one direct contribution effort

v  Appoint a chair person and committee for each effort
Ø  Avoids burnout
Ø  Allows for simultaneous planning and implementation of various projects
Ø  Allows members to participate where interests, abilities and time are most conducive

v  Publicize, publicize, publicize
Ø  Before, during, and after each event
Ø  When presenting your gift

v  Celebrate
Ø  Allow members to experience joy of making a difference

Kathryn Lima has over 30 years experience in marketing, public relations, and fund raising.  E-mail your fund raising questions to her at

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